Thursday, September 27, 2012

Celebrating Working Women!

I found this AMAZING video (click the word video to view) this week! The video is celebrating International Women's Day, which i didn't even knew existed. In the video they start out by showing how women today can do it all. By all i mean raise kids, have a successful career and do enjoyable stuff on the side. Then the video says how many years ago us women could of never done. After they show how women really changed history and how we live our lives today. Things like coffee filters,windshield wipers and water heaters were all invented by women! I was so excited when I saw this video! I had no idea women had created all these inventions we use in our everyday lives! I just assumed that men invented all these things, but I should of know, only a women could be that brilliant! A coffee filter... I don't know what I would do without morning cup of coffee. The video also mentioned how the Harvard Medical school use to not accept boys, now most of their gradates are women. Seeing how women have evolved over the past 200 years is amazing, and it only gives us, women, even more hope for the future!!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Women Gaining Jobs

Hi again! I found a great article this week! It is all about how women are gaining more jobs while men are loosing them. Women are on the verge of outnumbering men for the first time! The article states that men were losing more jobs during this recession than women were. At the beginning of this recession, in 2007, men lost a total of 4.75 million jobs while women only lost around 1.66 million jobs. In 2009, women held 48.83% of the millions of jobs in the nation, that's almost half! This is a great sign for women. We are one step closer to full equality. Although this is all great stuff for women in the workforce, there is still not full equality. Women still hold most of the part time jobs, work fewer hours and only make 77% of what men make. Also men still hold most of the high-ranking executive positions out there. 

After reading this article I was thrilled. I'm not happy that there are men out there loosing there jobs but I am just ecstatic that women are really moving forward in the workforce. I could't believe that we are so close to out-numbering the men in the workplace. I was a little upset hearing about all the negative things with women at work still. I was really frustrated when I read how men make more money then women normally. I don't get that when they work just as hard, if not my opinion. Women also hold most of the part-time jobs, which I was not shocked about. Women probably hold most of these part-time jobs because they have to be home with the children. Why can't the men be home with the children? They are their children too! 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Dress for Success

I found a great article, here is what it it about and my thoughts on it! Dress for Success is a non-profit organization that provides professional clothing, confidence boosts and career development to low-income women worldwide! I love the concept of this, I think it's great that people out there are wanting to empower women so they can accomplished whatever they want to on there own. I think it is even better that there are women out there that want to be in the workforce and believe that they can. These women go through a program where they learn everything from how to write a resume to how to manage their lives. I believe if women want to, they should be able to be in the workforce and be respected, they can do as much as a man can.... if not more! 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Welcome to My Blog!!!!

Hey everyone! I decided to have my blog be about feminism because not only is it an very interesting topic but I believe we can all relate to it, considering we go to an all girls school and are very focused on empowering women. In case you have no idea what feminism is, it is a movement for the attainment of such rights of women, politically, economically and socially. Today women's rights have come incredibly far, but there are still women out there fighting for their equality. 

I am going to be focus on the working women. Have you ever wondering why after a women has a child and she goes back to work people say "she is not spending enough time with her child" but if she does not go back to work "she is doing nothing with her life". However, when the man/ father goes back to work, no one says anything, he is simply "suppose to do that" and "he is supporting  his family". Can't the women go back to work and "support there families" too! This is just of the main concerns that I will be covering in my blog so keep reading!!!!