Thursday, December 27, 2012

Survey Change

A little after i made my survey I had people start to answer it and it didn't ask exactly what I wanted, so I made a new survey with yes or no type questions. I think I will get the responses I am looking for better now.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Another Survey Update

I finished my survey and handed them out, now I am waiting to see some responses. I decided to do my survey on how comfortable people would feel in certain situations concerning women in the workforce. I used a likert scale, 1 being not comfortable at all, 2 being sort of comfortable and 3 being completely comfortable. Two examples of questions that I have are A)How would you feel if your boss was a female? and B)How comfortable are you with the following situation: You and your spouse just had a new born baby, the father stays at home with the baby while the mother goes back to work. I am hoping to get a wide range of responses. I also asked for peoples gender, age and career/ field. I want to see how different peoples answers vary depending on the circumstances above.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Update on Survey

This week, I am in the progress of finishing up making my survey. It is going pretty well. I hope to get it done over weekend and start giving it to people. The people I plan to give it to is my family members, family friends and people I am not as close with. I want to get accurate results so I am trying to give my survey to a wide range of people. I am also making a sheet for them to fill out about their demographics so I can see what types of people feel what way towards feminism and women having power in their careers.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Feminism Survey Idea

I have decided the way I will execute my 2nd quarter project is to do a survey about feminism. I am going to give the survey on women and their role in the workforce. I plan on giving the survey to about 30 people. 10 of those people will be females, 10 males and 10 people under 18. The people under 18 will be from both public and private school. All the people I will be giving the surveys to will be people I know, some more familiarly than other. I want to get people to answer my survey from both white and blue collar jobs. I think there will be a difference in the surveys from both working classes. I want to see the difference in the opinions about women in the work place between the different genders, between the different classes and between the different generations. I think people in the younger generations will be more open to females in the work force being a CEO of a company than someone who is 50 years old in the same situation. I also think those who are in the lower classes will be more open to women taking on big roles in their work because they may be able to relate to the inequality. Overall, my prediction is that the younger generations, the minorities, the females etc. will be more comfortable with women being successful in their career.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

2nd Quarter Project Idea

My topic is feminism and after doing all the research during the 1st quarter I realized I am most interested in women in the workplace and how they are a lot of the time, not treated the same as men. For my 2nd quarter project I would like to do survey asking how people feel about certain things under this topic. I want both men and women to take the survey to see what both genders say.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

I found an article (click the word article to read it!) this week that talks about what started out as a school project for a group of girls at Duke, is now known as a world wide project called "who needs feminism?" This is how it works, anyone who wants to participate writes a personal response to the question "who needs feminism?" on a piece of paper. The message is photographed and posted onto either the groups Facebook page or tumbler. The goal of this is to spread awareness about what feminism really is. I think this a great idea! In today's world we are all caught up in our social networking sites, so what better way to get across a great message than through these sites we use everyday! By doing this I think it will really spread awareness about equality towards both men and women! It shows that people all over the world really do want equality! It is cool to see even men post pictures, to know that it's not just the women who want the equality!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Can men and women really ever be equal?

I found an awesome video this week on youtube! (scroll down and copy and paste the link that is under the picture to watch it, sorry I was facing some technical difficulties) It is actually pretty funny and has something great behind it. The title of the video is "why men and women can never be equal", so after reading that title I had to watch the video because I knew I didn't agree with it. During the video a man and a woman are on the subway and the woman is imitating everything the man does. Then the man takes his shirt off, and the woman couldn't do that in public. Not unless she is feeling a little deviant that day. This made me think, can women actually ever be equal? I believe that men and women can be equal to a certain point but, as hard as it is for me to say, their are things out there, like taking your shirt off on public transit, that may stop us from being FULLY equal. This doesn't mean that men are better and more capable than women, but that their are certain things that men can do women can't AND that women can do that men can't. But another part of me says the woman should be able to take her shirt off too!If you think about it, is it really possible for us ever to be equal, or is it just impossible because men and women are just so different in so many ways? OR do you believe that the woman should be able to take off her shirt on the subway?

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Can us women have it all?

This week I found a New York Times article all about women working and being mothers as well. Can we have it all? the article points out that the society has seem to not make much progress supporting working mothers. But some companies do offer ore flexible hours if you do have children. It will probably be a long slow process towards this ideal work for women being fully accepted in society for being a working women. It might be that women, even men, in high demanding jobs, may just not be able to juggle bot the stresses of being a parent and the stresses of having an important position. Although this may be true, many mothers in the United States do obtain some of the most powerful positions. But there seem to be many younger men who say they want more time with their families. Maybe they will perhaps join forces for change or help re-imagine some of the toughest jobs. This article made me a little upset when it said that society has not yet made the change to support working mothers. I have to disagree with this though, we might not be 100% there, but I believe there are plenty of people that support them. Maybe it is just in our area, we live in a very liberal area of the United States that seem to be fine with mothers working and having a high position job. I can see how maybe in the south this not being socially acceptable. I think it would be very stressful for a women to have a high demanding job and have to parent a few kids, but I think us women can defiantly do it!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Celebrating Working Women!

I found this AMAZING video (click the word video to view) this week! The video is celebrating International Women's Day, which i didn't even knew existed. In the video they start out by showing how women today can do it all. By all i mean raise kids, have a successful career and do enjoyable stuff on the side. Then the video says how many years ago us women could of never done. After they show how women really changed history and how we live our lives today. Things like coffee filters,windshield wipers and water heaters were all invented by women! I was so excited when I saw this video! I had no idea women had created all these inventions we use in our everyday lives! I just assumed that men invented all these things, but I should of know, only a women could be that brilliant! A coffee filter... I don't know what I would do without morning cup of coffee. The video also mentioned how the Harvard Medical school use to not accept boys, now most of their gradates are women. Seeing how women have evolved over the past 200 years is amazing, and it only gives us, women, even more hope for the future!!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Women Gaining Jobs

Hi again! I found a great article this week! It is all about how women are gaining more jobs while men are loosing them. Women are on the verge of outnumbering men for the first time! The article states that men were losing more jobs during this recession than women were. At the beginning of this recession, in 2007, men lost a total of 4.75 million jobs while women only lost around 1.66 million jobs. In 2009, women held 48.83% of the millions of jobs in the nation, that's almost half! This is a great sign for women. We are one step closer to full equality. Although this is all great stuff for women in the workforce, there is still not full equality. Women still hold most of the part time jobs, work fewer hours and only make 77% of what men make. Also men still hold most of the high-ranking executive positions out there. 

After reading this article I was thrilled. I'm not happy that there are men out there loosing there jobs but I am just ecstatic that women are really moving forward in the workforce. I could't believe that we are so close to out-numbering the men in the workplace. I was a little upset hearing about all the negative things with women at work still. I was really frustrated when I read how men make more money then women normally. I don't get that when they work just as hard, if not my opinion. Women also hold most of the part-time jobs, which I was not shocked about. Women probably hold most of these part-time jobs because they have to be home with the children. Why can't the men be home with the children? They are their children too! 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Dress for Success

I found a great article, here is what it it about and my thoughts on it! Dress for Success is a non-profit organization that provides professional clothing, confidence boosts and career development to low-income women worldwide! I love the concept of this, I think it's great that people out there are wanting to empower women so they can accomplished whatever they want to on there own. I think it is even better that there are women out there that want to be in the workforce and believe that they can. These women go through a program where they learn everything from how to write a resume to how to manage their lives. I believe if women want to, they should be able to be in the workforce and be respected, they can do as much as a man can.... if not more! 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Welcome to My Blog!!!!

Hey everyone! I decided to have my blog be about feminism because not only is it an very interesting topic but I believe we can all relate to it, considering we go to an all girls school and are very focused on empowering women. In case you have no idea what feminism is, it is a movement for the attainment of such rights of women, politically, economically and socially. Today women's rights have come incredibly far, but there are still women out there fighting for their equality. 

I am going to be focus on the working women. Have you ever wondering why after a women has a child and she goes back to work people say "she is not spending enough time with her child" but if she does not go back to work "she is doing nothing with her life". However, when the man/ father goes back to work, no one says anything, he is simply "suppose to do that" and "he is supporting  his family". Can't the women go back to work and "support there families" too! This is just of the main concerns that I will be covering in my blog so keep reading!!!!