Friday, January 4, 2013

final survey update

I finished my survey I am surprised about my results. I didn't think I would have so many people who had female bosses. Which I was happy about because it means women are stepping up when it comes to authority in the workplace. I was also pleasantly surprised when so many women went back to work after having children.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Survey Change

A little after i made my survey I had people start to answer it and it didn't ask exactly what I wanted, so I made a new survey with yes or no type questions. I think I will get the responses I am looking for better now.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Another Survey Update

I finished my survey and handed them out, now I am waiting to see some responses. I decided to do my survey on how comfortable people would feel in certain situations concerning women in the workforce. I used a likert scale, 1 being not comfortable at all, 2 being sort of comfortable and 3 being completely comfortable. Two examples of questions that I have are A)How would you feel if your boss was a female? and B)How comfortable are you with the following situation: You and your spouse just had a new born baby, the father stays at home with the baby while the mother goes back to work. I am hoping to get a wide range of responses. I also asked for peoples gender, age and career/ field. I want to see how different peoples answers vary depending on the circumstances above.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Update on Survey

This week, I am in the progress of finishing up making my survey. It is going pretty well. I hope to get it done over weekend and start giving it to people. The people I plan to give it to is my family members, family friends and people I am not as close with. I want to get accurate results so I am trying to give my survey to a wide range of people. I am also making a sheet for them to fill out about their demographics so I can see what types of people feel what way towards feminism and women having power in their careers.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Feminism Survey Idea

I have decided the way I will execute my 2nd quarter project is to do a survey about feminism. I am going to give the survey on women and their role in the workforce. I plan on giving the survey to about 30 people. 10 of those people will be females, 10 males and 10 people under 18. The people under 18 will be from both public and private school. All the people I will be giving the surveys to will be people I know, some more familiarly than other. I want to get people to answer my survey from both white and blue collar jobs. I think there will be a difference in the surveys from both working classes. I want to see the difference in the opinions about women in the work place between the different genders, between the different classes and between the different generations. I think people in the younger generations will be more open to females in the work force being a CEO of a company than someone who is 50 years old in the same situation. I also think those who are in the lower classes will be more open to women taking on big roles in their work because they may be able to relate to the inequality. Overall, my prediction is that the younger generations, the minorities, the females etc. will be more comfortable with women being successful in their career.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

2nd Quarter Project Idea

My topic is feminism and after doing all the research during the 1st quarter I realized I am most interested in women in the workplace and how they are a lot of the time, not treated the same as men. For my 2nd quarter project I would like to do survey asking how people feel about certain things under this topic. I want both men and women to take the survey to see what both genders say.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

I found an article (click the word article to read it!) this week that talks about what started out as a school project for a group of girls at Duke, is now known as a world wide project called "who needs feminism?" This is how it works, anyone who wants to participate writes a personal response to the question "who needs feminism?" on a piece of paper. The message is photographed and posted onto either the groups Facebook page or tumbler. The goal of this is to spread awareness about what feminism really is. I think this a great idea! In today's world we are all caught up in our social networking sites, so what better way to get across a great message than through these sites we use everyday! By doing this I think it will really spread awareness about equality towards both men and women! It shows that people all over the world really do want equality! It is cool to see even men post pictures, to know that it's not just the women who want the equality!